How do I get photos like these on the left? By having them take photos like these on the right.
A PSA to parents wanting that "perfect" family portrait,
I get it.
Although there is no substitute for hunger or missed naps... kids are generally quite easy to photograph. It all comes down to one thing... they want to be entertained. I like to be entertained too... so I get it.
My typical process with photographing kids individually is to let them express what type of photos they want. So first I say "Where do you want to take *your* photo"? Then suddenly... it's their idea that their picture is being taken!
I let them take a few silly poses first, and then I show them the back of my camera- and we laugh. Then generally they're excited to take more.
When they're extra un-interested I let them take photos of their parents with my camera. Kids love to take photos, and love to look at photos of themselves! This one is basically always a hit, as is taking a "superman" photo where it looks like they are flying ( They're jumping )
My last ditch efforts usually consist of hitting myself over the head with something, fruit snacks, smarties and in desperation playing a youtube video next to the lens. 😅
In my experience... bribery, doesn't work. Ice cream? Nope, not unless it's right now. Threats? Nope, gets teary eyes and fake smiles.
So you can try to do bribery- but if you want to threaten your kids into having a good smile.... You're not going to get it. I promise.
It's all about making it fun- for parents too. We all want to feel understood, and our ideas respected.
So relaaaax. Let's have some fun and
❤️ Let them be little ❤️